Monday, January 19, 2009


Why do so many of us have difficulty living in the present moment? One reason may be that we don’t totally know, love and accept ourselves We rush through our lives and never ask “Where are we rushing to?” No matter where we go, there we are! Once we get down to the core of this issue and learn to know and accept ourselves, many of our pressing problems will be resolved and our lives with be transformed. People will respond positively to us because we have become kinder to ourselves.

Here are some practical tips for living in the present moment and are very helpful for us to use in our daily lives:

1. Be mindful of your breath. There is no need to use sophisticated breathing techniques - just pay attention to your breath. Try to breathe deeply and slowly….and enjoy the process. This is such an easy thing to do. Try it and see that your life will be more peaceful and calm.

2. Be mindful of your physical feelings. Ask yourself: how do I feel right now? Am I sitting in a comfortable position? Do I feel comfortable about the shoes and clothes I wear, and about the things around me? What is my body trying to tell me? So many of us go through our lives ignoring our feelings. One day the body will refuse to be ignored another minute and we will get sick. When we get in touch with our feelings on a day-to-day basis, we open ourselves to its guidance and valuable suggestions.

3. Don’t lead your life in a rush. Sometimes we are so afraid to be late for an appointment, job, etc. that we don't realize the world does not depend upon us for its survival. Of course, it is good to be on time but a wise person utilizes careful planning instead of rushing. As you plan your day, give yourself more time to do the important things and eliminate the non-important things as much as possible. It you have time to do the less important things in your life, do them. Otherwise, don’t rush. And if you ARE late for an appointment, don’t burden yourself further by feeling guilty.

4. Be grateful for the delays. When you are in a traffic jam or standing in a line, try not to be angry or upset. Realize that this delay is a gift. You have a chance to be alone with yourself for a minute or so, without being distracted. Watch your breath and physical feelings and try to relax. Think about how precious your life is and appreciate it fully. Smile to yourself. Look at people around you and know they also have this precious human life. In an instant, your tension will go away and you will get in touch with the joyous spirit of the present moment.

Contact Dolkar Wellness NOW for more information on Meditation.