Wednesday, December 31, 2008



IN THE YEAR of 2009!!!!


Tuesday, December 30, 2008


It's a universal law:

You have to give before you get.

You must plant your seeds before you reap the harvest.

The more you sow, the more you will reap. In giving to others, you will find yourself blessed.

The law works to give you back more than you have sown.

The giver's harvest is always full.

Those that obtain have little.

Those who scatter have much.

Nature does not give to those who will not spend.

A heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others.

- The Wizard to the Tin Man

Dolkar Wellness

Monday, December 29, 2008


Hard to believe, but there could be a benefit to loading up your breakfast plate. Besides helping you eat less later in the day, a big breakfast might also help you lose weight. But you have to be smart about it.

Load Up to Slim Down? Okay, so you can’t completely overdo it at breakfast and hope to drop pounds. But when obese dieters ate a big 600-calorie breakfast of healthy protein and carbs (think scrambled eggs, diced turkey, whole-wheat toast, and a banana), they lost significantly more weight than dieters who ate only half that much. Why? Researchers speculate that eating a large balanced meal in the morning helps stymie carb cravings later in the day -- especially if you’re cutting carbs and calories in an effort to slim down.

A Better Breakfast: Here are some other ways to make your morning meal really count:

Put eggs back on the menu. Yep, they’re officially a health food again. I always knew it…

Never skip breakfast.

Follow these four simple breakfast rules for shedding pounds:

1. Do it daily. Your goal is to make it a daily, automatic habit. The reward?
You can kiss late-day low blood sugar and sugary snack cravings goodbye.

2. Do it sooner rather than later. For the best results, eat breakfast within an
hour or so of waking up -- even if you’re not hungry. Morning-time low blood
sugar produces a brain chemical designed to mask hunger pangs -- but can
cause sugar cravings later in the day.

3. Make it complex. We’re talking complex carbohydrates here (whole-grain
cereals, steel-cut oats, high-fiber fruits, etc.) The fiber keeps blood sugar on
an even keel and helps you feel full longer.

4. Power it with protein. Protein slows digestion, helps prevent spikes and
dips in blood sugar, and can even give you a dose of depression-fighting
tryptophan. DesMaisons recommends that you get a third of your daily
protein at breakfast.

The BEST breakfast? One containing oatmeal or another whole-grained cereal (either hot or cold), eggs, yogurt, whole-grained bread, peanut butter or fresh fruit.


Wednesday, December 24, 2008



Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Have you ever wondered how you could improve your relationships with family and friends? There is a passive but effective way that you can use - changing yourself first and then the law of attraction will do the rest. It's called "AFFIRMATIONS".

These affirmations are really just common sense but they are the first to go when our minds put us on auto pilot and we lose are awareness. We’re not perfect but we can aspire to making our lives more peaceful by improving our relationships with friends, lovers, family …..and those people we meet for the first time by first changing the way we think. Try it…it works!

Say the following affirmations as many times a day as you like. You can stand in front of the mirror and sincerely recite them - or just keep them in your mind throughout the day:

I am grateful for all the opportunities to learn the lessons of love.
I treat all people I meet with kindness, respect, and understanding.
I give and it is given back to me with the same measure.
I extend love and the whole world responds to my love.
I am a positive influence in my world.

Speak good words, kind words, words of wisdom, words of encouragement like gentle rain upon a dormant field. Eventually, they will coax the seeds beneath the soil to life.
-Rabbi Tzvi Freeman

For more helpful Affirmations, contact Dolkar Wellness NOW!

Monday, December 22, 2008


Have you heard of Vitamin K? It’s a less known member of the vitamin alphabet but plays a very important part in the weapon against chronic inflammation where the body’s natural protective mechanism overreacts and causes problems. Vitamin K has been linked to a lower risk for two inflammatory conditions – osteoarthritis and heart disease in women.

Two long-term studies show that people who consume the lowest levels of K are at the greatest risk for osteoporosis. And now research in the British Journal of Nutrition links improved levels of vitamin K in children with increased bone mineral content.

Are you getting enough K to fight inflammation? Tufts University researches suggest that you’re probably not. Most deficient in vitamin K are older adults. Try to get between 90 micrograms (for women) and 120 micrograms (for men) a day and eat plenty of leafy greens (broccoli, kale, lettuce, and spinach) as well as olive oil and soybeans.
For more help with "Super Anti-oxidants" contact Dolkar Wellness NOW!!!

Friday, December 19, 2008


Drinking approximately two 8-ounce glasses of beet juice a day significantly lowers blood pressure. Researchers are suggest that “Drinking beetroot juice might be a simple way to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.”

Not only is blood pressure substantially reduced three hours after drinking this juice, but the reduction was also observed up to a day after ingestion.

So…..Beet It – your urine will also be prettier.
Contact Dolkar Wellness NOW for more Weekly Health Tips!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


We all talk about the season of giving but who do we give to…..our families, our lovers….our friends. I’ve asked myself this question many times….are our families and friends more worthy of our giving than the stranger down the street who is down and out and really needs help?

I’ve given to the poor and to charity on more than one holiday season rather than buying presents for my family that they would have shoved in a drawer. Those in need were very happy….but my family…not so much.

My point is not to neglect our families….but do they really NEED all that we GIVE? I doubt it. So here’s my proposal for the holiday season: Give something of value to someone who needs it. That “something” can be a smile, a warm gesture or encouraging words. It could be some food or something that is valuable to them in their time of need. I encourage everyone to give to just one or two people this holiday season who you don’t know and who cannot benefit you in any way. See how you feel about yourself….see how you feel about the holiday.

I saw this quote on a community page and it rang true to me – I’d like to share it with you….and thanks to Sharon for her special insight.

"A single act of giving has a value beyond what we can imagine. So much of the spiritual path is expressed and realized in giving: love, compassion,sympathetic joy, equanimity; letting go of grasping, aversion, and delusion."

To give is powerful. That is why the Buddha said that if we knew as he did, the power of giving, we would not let a single meal pass without sharing some of it. Sharing food is a metaphore for all giving. When we offer someone food, we are not just giving that person something to eat; we are giving far more. We give strength, health, beauty, clarity of mind, and even life because none of those things would be possible without food. So when we feed another, this is what we are offering - the substance of life itself.
--Sharon Salzberg

Monday, December 15, 2008


Do you wash your fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating??? I know lots of people who don’t because they think their produce “LOOKS clean.” Read this….it’s a safety wake-up call. There’s lots of critters that are not visible to the eye that are lurking on your peaches and celery. Take Care….they could make you sick.

The 5 dirtiest foods are:

Eggs: While most eggs aren't going to make anyone sick, experts estimate that more than 2 million germy eggs (as in Salmonella infected) get into circulation each year, sickening 660,000 people each year and killing as many as 300. Um, maybe we should think twice about eating that raw cookie dough. Make sure the egg carton says they're pasteurized and never buy a dozen that contains any obvious cracks or leaks.

Peaches: They're pretty, but that's just skin-deep. Health experts warn that peach skins are doused in pesticides before they make it to grocery store to prevent blemishes. On average, a peach can contain as many as nine different pesticides, according to the USDA. This is the number one reason to buy organic. It’s true that organic produce cost more than conventional but it is worth not ingesting all those poisons sprayed on the produce to keep the bugs off.
Pre-packaged salad mixes: Surprise! "Triple washed" doesn't mean germ-free say experts. Pathogens may still be lurking so be sure to wash your greens before tossing in your salad bowl.

Cantaloupe: Get ready to be grossed out. According to one article, "when the FDA sampled domestically grown cantaloupe, it found that 3.5 percent of the melons carried Salmonella and Shigella, the latter a bacteria normally passed person-to-person. Among imported cantaloupe, 7 percent tested positive for both bugs." Scrub your melons with a little mild dish soap and warm water before slicing.

Scallions: Blamed for several recent outbreaks of Hepatitis A, and other bugs like the parasite Cryptosporidium, Shigella and Salmonella, scallions present a food safety problem because of the way they grow (in the dirt) and lack of proper washing. While you can't control what happens in restaurant kitchens, you can give them a super-duper washing at home before cooking with.

Other dirty foods in the article include chicken, ground beef and turkey, raw oysters, and cold cuts.

The bottom line: Don't be afraid to eat these foods, just be aware of the precautions you need to take before enjoying them. Most food-borne illnesses are the result of hygiene carelessness somewhere in the food chain. Protect yourself!
Contact Dolkar Wellness NOW for more assistance in avoiding illness-causing bacteria on your foods.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


The Ahimsa Celebration for Peace on Saturday, December 6 was to commemorate His Holiness the Dalai Lama's winning of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989. It was an effort of joy and love dedicated with the motivation of benefiting the long lives of His Holiness, the Dalai Lama and our precious Teacher, ZaChoeje Rinpoche and for the happiness of all beings. We are completely indebted to ZaChoeje Rinpoche for his inspiration, wisdom, unequaled kindness, skillful teaching, enduring patience and gentle humor.

Thanks to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, for his supreme wisdom, endless compassion, uncompromising strength, and tireless efforts in bringing the policy of loving kindness to all of our lives. May you live long for the glory of the Dharma and may your legacy remain secure for hundreds of eons.

My personal gratitude goes out to ZaChoeje Rinpoche for rescuing me at a very dark time in my life and to the Emaho Foundation for supporting and befriending me when I needed it most. If not for them, there would be no Dolkar Wellness.

Friday, December 5, 2008


Saturday, November 29, 2008


Hello Friends & Family,

Emaho Foundation, a Scottsdale-based, non-profit Tibetan Buddhist group, will present its annual Zone of Ahimsa fundraising celebration on Saturday, December 6, 2008. Taking place at the New Vision Spiritual Growth Center in Scottsdale, the festivities will commemorate the 1989 awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to the Dalai Lama, the world's best-known Tibetan Buddhist leader and international figurehead in the cause for peace on our planet. This will be a time for peace-loving people of all faiths, and those outside of any faith tradition, to gather in the name of non-violence, compassion and universal harmony.

Ahimsa is the Buddhist term for the doctrine of non-harming. And the Zone of Ahimsa will be a daylong celebration comprised of three separate but related events. The attached flyer will give you all the details for this event. FOR AHIMSA CELEBRATION TICKETS contact us at
Dolkar Wellness.

Also attached is a picture of the small gift basket that will be on display during the celebration. It includes: a book written by Venerable ZaChoeje Rinpoche (the Spiritual Director of Emaho Foundation), a CD containing a public talk given by Rinpoche at the Mustang Library, a DVD containing a teaching given by Rinpoche, a mala (bead bracelet), and a holiday candle - all for only $30. A larger gift basket is also available for $45 which will include all the items in the small basket plus an additional CD from a separate public talk at the library as well as a "secret Tibetan object" as well.

If you are interested in a gift basket but are unable to attend the celebration, please contact us and we will make arrangements to get your
basket(s) to you.

We look forward to seeing you at the celebration!

Tara Hoffman, President
Dolkar Wellness

Friday, November 21, 2008


When the subject of proper pH and alkalinity levels comes up in conversation, it’s more likely that you are discussing pool water than your body. However, what could possibly more important or worthy of conversation than your own body’s internal balance?

In reality, our bodies are able to assimilate minerals and nutrients properly only when its pH is balanced so you could be ingesting the proper nutrients and still be a victim of malnutrition if your body isn’t able to absorb and assimilate those nutrients. If you are not getting the results you expect from your glyconutritional or herbal program, look for an acid/alkaline imbalance as the cause. Even the right herbal program may not work if your body's pH is “out of wack.”

Nine out of ten people who suffer from an imbalance are acidic in nature. This condition forces the body to borrow minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium from vital organs and bones to buffer and neutralize the acid - safely removing it from the body. Because of this high acidic strain, the body can suffer severe and prolonged damage —a condition that may go undetected for years.

Even mild acidosis can cause the following problems:

Cardiovascular damage, constriction of blood vessels
Weight gain and obesity
Bladder and kidney conditions - including kidney stones
Immune deficiency
Free radical damage which may contribute to cancer
Hormone concerns
Premature aging
Osteoporosis and bone spurs
Joint pain, aching muscles and lactic acid buildup
Low energy and chronic fatigue
Slow digestion and waste elimination
Yeast overgrowth

What Causes a Person to be Acidic?

The answer is something most of us don’t really want to hear….It’s mostly due to the typical American diet, which is far too high in acid-producing animal products like meat, eggs and dairy and far too low in alkaline-producing foods like fresh vegetables which contain vital glyconutrients. Additionally, we eat processed foods like white flour and sugar and drink beverages like coffee and soft drinks. We use too many drugs, which are acid-forming; and we use artificial sweetners like NutraSweet, Equal, or aspartame, which are extremely acid-forming.

One of the best things we can do to correct an overly-acid body is to clean up the diet and lifestyle. Contact Dolkar Wellness for specific help. We have designed a program specifically for alkalizing the body and bringing the pH into balance.

What if You’re Overly-Alkaline?

If you have an alkaline body type, you’re relatively rare. Taken to extremes, high alkalinity can cause tingling in your extremities or light-headedness. In that case, you can bring the alkalinity into balance by drinking a good old cup of coffee. However, if your urine and/or saliva consistently test above 7.0 pH, contact Dolkar Wellness for specifics to bring your body pH more into balance.

There are two ways to test your body’s pH: through the urine and through the saliva. The pH level in the urine indicates how well your body is excreting acids and assimilating minerals - especially calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. These minerals function as buffers which help to maintain the body’s balance. When your body is too acidic, it excretes the excess through the urine. However, if the average urine pH is below 6.5, the body's buffering system may become overwhelmed and a state of "autotoxication" will exist. Then attention should be given to lowering acid levels. Better yet is to keep the body’s balance intact by making some alterations in your diet.

Saliva pH

The results of saliva testing may indicate the activity of digestive enzymes in the body. These enzymes are primarily manufactured by the stomach, liver and pancreas. While the saliva also utilizes buffers just like the urine, it relies on this process to a much lesser degree. If the saliva pH is too low (below 6.5), the body may be producing too many acids or may be overwhelmed by acids because it has lost the ability to adequately remove them through the urine. If the saliva pH is too high (over 6.8), the body may suffer greatly, e.g. excess gas, constipation and production of yeast, mold and fungus. Some people will have acidic pH readings from both urine and saliva—this is referred to as "double acid."

THE MESSAGE here is to be kind to your body…it works hard so that you can enjoy your life. Help the body retain its balance by eating lots of organic fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain, sprouted grains - rich in glyconutrients. Eat less meat and dairy products. Drink water instead of sugary sodas. Go back to basics.

Monday, November 17, 2008



Write me.....Dolkar Wellness

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


If you've ever doubted that your mind, body and spirit were connected, just get angry with someone and see how it affects your body. When a relationship came to an end and you were devastated, how did the body and spirit feel? Let's face it, they are all interconnected.

Each virtue of the spirit is specially required for nourishing and empowering the human body. For example:

The virtue of Peace is responsible for sustaining the respiratory system

The virtue of Joy reigns over the gastrointestinal system

The virtue of Love affects the circulatory system

The virtue of Bliss has control over the endocrine system

The virtue of Knowledge is for the brain and nervous system

The virtue of Purity affects the immune system

The virtue of the five senses have responsibility for the muscular and skeletal systems

Each one of us has at least one body system which is most susceptible to disease - it's our weakest link. When our mind is under the influence of stressful emotions, there is a decrease in the flow from the spirit to this vulnerable body system virtue which leads to the development of disease in this system over a period of time.

The answer: Stress Relief....through MEDITATION.

For more information on how to get started, contact Dolkar Wellness NOW!

Monday, November 10, 2008


DID YOU KNOW that women blink twice as much as men? An average person's eye will be closed 30 minutes a day due to eye blinking....I guess it will be longer for women!

Friday, November 7, 2008


Although nearly two-thirds of Americans are overweight, 83 percent of us say our eating habits are very healthy or somewhat healthy, according to a Thomson Medstat survey. Only 3 percent of Americans characterized their eating habits as “not at all healthy.” Oh Really? Then why are we and our children so fat and unhealthy?

Could it be that few parents really understand how the so called “Standard American Diet’ is so detrimental to our children’s health. Let’s face the facts: we have a national health crisis on our hands. Since we love our children and would do everything in our power to make their lives healthy and safe, there’s only one possible reason we continue to fill their bodies (and our own) with unhealthy, unsafe food - we don’t really understand what a healthy diet looks like. We have a problem and the good news is…..we can resolve that problem.

Did you know you that our children’s generation is the first generation in history that is predicted to fail to outlive its parents? I don’t know about you, but that scared the heck out of me! All you have to do is drive down the streets and count how many fast food restaurants there are in one block. Look at the kids. Kids – all the way from toddlers to teenagers are pudgy. We have a childhood obesity epidemic plaguing our country. That’s the bad news. And the good news is that we have the power to change our fate.

What can we do? One thing is to investigate what a healthy, balanced meal really looks like. Believe me….contrary to what you hear on TV commercials, chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese from a box, and soggy microwave pizza are not healthy, bone-fortifying foods. I know what you’re going to say, “My kids will throw a hissy fit and won’t even consider a eating some broccoli. It’s not their fault they have a taste for fattening food because they’ve been eating this way for a while. It’s not the fault of parents either because we haven’t been properly educated on nutrition. So now is our chance to change that horrific scenario. Remember the saying “We ARE what we eat.” Also remember, we’re the parents and our children will eat what we put in front of them so decide to change your eating habits for the sake of yourself and your children. They will thank you in the long run.

REMEMBER. One way we can eat healthier is to REMEMBER how we ate as children. When I was growing up, I use to work on my grandparents farm every summer. I remember the meals my grandmother served us. Breakfasts consisted of fresh fruits, oatmeal or other kinds of grain cereal, eggs, toast – a huge breakfast by today’s standards. It made sense to fuel the body’s fire so it could work hard during the day. Lunches were not a small, dry peanut butter and jelly sandwich and chips. They were full meals – with main dishes, fresh vegetables, soups and apple pie for dessert. Dinners again were balanced full meals made from local fruits and vegetables that were tree and vine ripened. There were so many nutrients in the meals my grandmother made but I didn’t realize how skillful she was until now when I see how far the American diet has declined from those days.

One of the greatest things we parents can do is educate ourselves on nutrition. Use the internet to learn about the necessity of organic food and how the body can be revitalized by healthy food. There is so much information out on the web that you could read from morning til night and still not read everything. The information is there….use it.

Imagine how fulfilled and empowered you will feel to provide your family with nutrition that will help their bodies grow and their minds sharpen. Nutrition along with loving care will help a child excel or leave him high and dry. This is our chance to save ourselves AND our children. Don’t wait another minute. Learn about the fuel you’re putting into the bodies of the people you love the most and you won’t regret one moment that you spent.

I have studied healing techniques in cultures that fully expect their life spans to extend to 100 years of age but here in the United States, few people will see 100 unless we change now. It’s time to take our health back into our own hands. We can do it. We just have to invest a little time, effort and wisdom. If Popeye could enjoy a good bit of spinach… can we!

Contact Dolkar Wellness NOW for nutritional information.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Today is Sister's day so I send this out to all my sisters and all the Fabulous women I know.......especially my friend, Lori!!

REMEMBER: We are only as strong as the coffee we drink, the hairspray we use and the friends we have.

To the cool women that have touched my life. Here's to you!

Monday, November 3, 2008


Even though the economy stinks more than a stinky sock, you can live healthfully and still have the stuff you want (within reason, of course). Being healthy won’t hog your budget, if you know where to save and where to spend. We know it’s not always obvious.

The $1 menu at fast-food restaurants sounds like a deal, right? Especially with the food prices escalating fast. But….you gotta look beneath the covers. A $1 meal quickly turns into a $10 meal when you look at future costs the $1 meal invokes: letting out your clothes or buying new ones, dealing with the stress of weight gain, buying diet books, and cleaning up the health-busting inflammation that fatty fast foods instigate.

Here’s where to save and where to splurge, so your wallet stays fat and your body stays healthy.

Splurge: Always buy organic fruit and vegetables or local produce. I know organic produce costs more than conventional but there’s no pesticides to deal with so your body won’t be overwhelmed with poisons…you won’t die young from toxins, your waist line will be smaller and the food will taste immensely better – like when you were a kid.

Save: Find a buddy. It’s fine to join a health club but you don’t need to in order to become more healthy. Find a partner who genuinely wants to succeed in getting healthier. The accountability and cheerleading you give each other will get both of you up and out when it’s raining, it’s cold, or you’re just plain tired -- and that’s priceless. You can ride bikes, walk, play basketball, or jog together – and it doesn’t cost a cent. Or….pick your dog as your partner. He will be happy with the exercise and your devotion to helping him become healthier will give you a reason to go out there and break a sweat.

Save: Look for healthy bargains. They’re usually right in front of you. Some low-cost, healthy foods are oatmeal instead of boxed cereal, rice as a staple, fruits and vegetables instead of costly candy bars, and beans or tofu in place of meat.

Save: Quit smoking. There are scores of reasons to do this, but the one that fits this column is that the average price of a pack of cigarettes is $4.22, and as much as $7.50 to $10 in places like Chicago and New York City. If you’re a pack-a-day smoker, quitting will put an extra $1,540 or more per year in your pocket while it removes all kinds of gunk from your lungs. Splurge: Treat your feet. The 26 bones in your feet get a pounding every day. Take care of them with well-cushioned, well-fitted walking or running shoes and they’ll take care of you. Always wear them when you’ll be walking or standing; replace every 6 to 9 months.

Save: Walk. Take a walk in a beautiful place….peaceful and nurturing. Avoid walking along a busy street – it’s not pleasant. Enjoy your walks – at least 30 minutes a day. As you progress, watch your blood pressure plummet and your legs become more toned and attractive. A walk will make you not only younger but also richer, because you’ll avoid expensive diabetes, blood pressure, and cholesterol drugs.

Save: Meditate. Meditate every day – start out with 10 minutes and work your way up. Meditation is worth its weight in gold and can save you from many physical and mental issues from depression to high blood pressure. It’s free and can be done anywhere there is a bit of quiet. Take advantage of this commonly-forgotten health aid – it’s a stress buster and one of the most beautiful things you can do for yourself….You’re worth it!

Contact Dolkar Wellness NOW for more helpful hints on becoming HEALTHIER.

Thursday, October 30, 2008



Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I love this time of year, with the crisp cool weather and nature’s breath-taking colors everywhere I look.

But for many people, fall also brings on sinus congestion, postnasal drip, runny nose, cough, and itchy eyes and throat. These are all classic allergy symptoms, but they often get mistaken for a cold because fall just isn’t as well-known as spring for its allergy triggers.
The main cause of fall seasonal allergies is weed pollen, such as ragweed, sagebrush, pigweed, tumbleweed, and cocklebur. But another common culprit is mold, which thrives in fall’s rainy conditions.

If It’s Allergies…You’re Not Alone!

If you suffer from allergies, you’re not alone. It’s estimated that over 36 million Americans have this health concern. In fact, hayfever—which is an allergic reaction to ragweed—is the 5th leading chronic medical condition in this country.
The good news is that there are some simple, natural steps for preventing and treating seasonal allergies without resorting to medication:

To attack over acidity and restore your body's healthy alkalinity, take ½ teaspoon of baking soda mixed with spring water four-to-five times a day until symptoms abate.

Take 500–1,000 mg of bromelain three-to-four times a day to help reduce inflammation.

Take ½ teaspoon of MSM, a powerful anti-inflammatory, once a day with a meal.

Take 300–600 mg of quercetin once or twice daily to help inhibit histamine release.

And, If It’s a Cold or Flu, Here Are Safe Natural Things You Can Do to Help keep
those Bugs at Bay with these Natural Solutions:
Keep your pH balanced. Just as overacidity affects allergies, it can make you more susceptible to colds and flu. Take ½ of baking soda mixed with spring water two to three times per day.
Try digestive enzymes such as bromelain, papain, and pancreatin. I recommend 500–1,000 mg of bromelain three-to-four times per day, two hours before or after eating; 200–300 mg of papain, immediately following meals; and 600–1,000 mg tablets of pancreatin, immediately following meals.

Support your immune system. At the first sign of cold or flu symptoms, add these nutrients to your health care regimen:

Buffered vitamin C bolsters immune function and is highly preferable to standard ascorbic acid, as it will not further acidify your system. Take 1–2 grams two to three times a day. Cut back if you develop diarrhea.

Echinacea has long been used in traditional botanical medicine for its immune-enhancing properties. I recommend two 125 mg capsules three times daily (standardized to 3.2 or 4.8 percent echinacosides). Do not take echinacea longer than eight weeks at a stretch, and do not use it if you have an autoimmune condition.

Zinc lozenges have been shown to reduce the severity of symptoms. Use lozenges with 12–25 mg of elemental zinc. At the first sign of symptoms, take a double dose, then use the regular dose every two hours for no more than seven days. Also make sure the lozenges are free of sorbitol, mannitol, and citric acid.

Finally, never underestimate the importance of a healthy nutritional and exercise program in addressing allergies, colds and flu. Eat a diet rich in antioxidants, be sure to take a comprehensive daily multinutrient exercise regularly. Also, don’t forget good old fashioned R&R. A solid night’s sleep is an excellent way to help your body store.
-Dr. Lark

Contact Dolkar Wellness NOW for amazing health and wellness tips!!!

Friday, October 24, 2008


Does your prime-time TV viewing go hand in hand with major snacking? Not a problem if you choose this for your evening treat: POPCORN.

A Kernel of Truth

A survey of 15,000 people found that popcorn eaters get far more whole grains than people who go popcorn-free. And that’s great news for the waistline, because high-fiber whole grains help you feel more satisfied. They also help keep your blood sugar steady and your blood pressure under control.

Pop Up, Slim Down

Of course, you’ll undo all the good of perfectly popped popcorn if you drown it in butter and salt a la those movie-theater tubs. So try enjoying the flavor of your popcorn naked or with a bit of sea salt or use just a small amount of real butter….not the imitation stuff.

Contact us at Dolkar Wellness NOW for more low-calorie, high-nutrition snacks!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


I had a big shock at the grocery store the other day when I bought two bags of organic vegetables for a hundred bucks. I can't afford it but I need it so what do I do? It seems as if there is no choice but to go further into debt and work more hours. Money doesn't grow on trees right? But food does!!

Edible Landscaping is nothing new. Growing our own food is the first thing we did when we stopped being nomadic and started being "civilized"! Learn about edible landscaping and how it will save you lots of money by producing food.

Food looks nicer then useless ornamental plants and after the pretty flowers drop you have fruits and vegetables. Why have ugly bare fences when all you have to do is plant some beans, then water them and have a green fence with white and lavender flowers? You can plant most whole beans that you buy at the store and 50 cents worth can cover many feet of fence. Plant only one bean and the plant can give you more than 50 beans. Think about it.
Why waste all that water on your lawn when you don’t have to be like everybody else. Consider an edible lawn.

Don’t spend a dime to get started and plant the seeds from the foods you eat. If you eat a tomato throw the seeds in a pot of dirt and add water. If you eat a potato, plant the eyes for nice one foot shrubs to use in landscaping your estate. If you eat a beet plant the tops and watch how fast you have fresh organic beet greens that add color and look great in your yard. Talk about good for you too. Beet greens are a wonderful food.

People who are smart are buying Organic food as this food is real and doesn't contain man made poisons. This is very necessary in the world today where pesticides, genetically modified foods, antibiotics, drugs, steroids and growth hormones are in what is being called food. Food grown without all that stuff is called 'Organic' and your body knows how to process it. Regular food is poison, not usable by the body. Man's inhumanity to man is well known and we wonder how it is even legal to sell this poison but it is. Organic is the best we can buy right now and it is important that we support this ever-growing effort. If you wonder why Organic food is more expensive, it is because it is food. If you don't have enough money to eat Organic, you don't have enough money to eat food.

If you want to save money on organic food, grow it yourself. People tell me all the time that they don't have a green thumb but I say growing Organic food is as easy as putting a seed in some dirt and adding water. Neanderthals figured it out, so can you. Just experiment until you can grow your own food. If you have property, stop wasting your time mowing that grass and stop wasting money and water to keep that pointless grass alive. Learn about Organic Edible Landscaping, Organic Gardening, composting and seed saving. Get everyone in the community doing the same and you'll have an abundance of the highest quality food. Get yourself, family, friends and community self sufficient. Start living the good life.
-Bryan Shillington

Check out Dolkar Wellness NOW for vegetarian recipes...using organic vegetables

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


1/2 cup canned solid pack pumpkin

1 large egg

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/8 teaspoon grated nutmeg

1/8 teaspoon (generous) baking powder

1/2 cup whole grain flour

3 tablespoons butter

1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese

Bring large pot of salted water to boil. Whisk pumpkin, egg, salt, nutmeg and baking powder in large bowl to blend. Mix in flour (dough will be soft). Dip 1/2-teaspoon measuring spoon into boiling water to moisten. Scoop up generous 1/2 teaspoon of dough and return spoon to water, allowing dough to drop. Working in 2 batches, repeat dropping 1/2 teaspoonfuls of dough into water, first dipping spoon into water to moisten each time. Boil dumpling until cooked through, about 10 minutes. Using slotted spoon, transfer to colander and drain. Melt butter in heavy large skillet over medium heat. Add dumplings. Sauté until beginning to brown, about 8 minutes. Transfer dumplings to bowl. Sprinkle with cheese and serve.

Makes 4 Side-Dish Servings.

For more amazing pumpkin recipes....go to Dolkar Wellness NOW!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008


When you grab a pumpkin for your fall porch this year, grab one for your plate, too. Why? Two really good reasons: Pumpkin makes an incredibly rich and flavorful base for all sorts of soups, stews, and desserts. And it’s absolutely packed with blood-pressure-friendly nutrients.

Your Halloween Pumpkin flesh is crammed full of phenols -- a type of health-promoting antioxidant that’s found in many plant-based foods. But pumpkin phenols may have particularly body-kind qualities. In cell studies, phenols from pumpkin flesh put a damper on the same enzyme that some blood pressure drugs target to reduce vascular tension. In other words, the phenols in pumpkin may help keep blood vessels relaxed, which means better blood pressure and better heart health

Save the Seeds
When you scoop out your pumpkin, save the seeds so you can roast them. Pumpkin seeds are rich in alpha-linolenic acid – a healthy fat that also helps protect blood vessels. No time to cook fresh pumpkin? No problem. Use canned pureed pumpkin. It’s precooked, tastes great, and is just as good for you – because cooking pumpkin seems to enhance its phenolic properties. Real Age – October 2008.

-Real Age

FOR GREAT PUMPKIN recipes....check out Dolkar Wellness NOW!!

Friday, October 17, 2008


The skin is the back-up elimination organ of the liver. When the liver fills up with junk it becomes what we call a toxic liver. This causes the spots to appear on the skin and a simple liver cleanse will clear it up.

Now if you get your liver checked at the medical doctor he'll run all sorts of tests and tell you everything is normal, that these spots come with age. Spots start appearing at around 35 years of age and death at around sixty is what the pill pushers in white coats are calling normal. They call it normal because the majority of Americans are kicking the bucket around 60 due to the average diet being without a doubt the worst in the history of mankind.

So do everything different than the average American and don't be normal. Change your diet and eat more salads with dandelion greens from your backyard. Less bread, sugar, prescription drugs and alcohol.

Do a strong liver cleanse to get rid of the spots. It will be twenty times cheaper than it would be to have a MD tell you you're normal for your age and give you a pill that will in actuality make it worse.

-Bryan Journeyman

CONTACT us at Dolkar Wellness NOW....for an easy-to-do Liver Cleanse.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Nothing says fall like caramel apples. This updated version moves them off the stick and onto the plate in an elegant yet easy dessert. The apples are stuffed with nuts and raisins, baked until tender and drizzled with an irresistible caramel sauce. Goodbye summer, hello fall.

This recipe can be varied by substituting other chopped nuts or dried fruits. Dried currants, cherries or cranberries and chopped dried apricots work well, as do pecans, almonds or hazelnuts.

6 medium apples
1/4 cup butter, softened
1/4 cup packed brown sugar (raw cane sugar)
1/4 cup pure maple syrup
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup finely chopped walnuts
Purchased caramel sauce

1. Heat oven to 325°F. Remove core from apples with apple corer or small knife; place apples in 13x9-inch pan.

2. Combine butter, brown sugar, maple syrup and cinnamon in small bowl. Stir in raisins and
walnuts. Spoon mixture into center of apples; cover with foil.

3. Bake 1 hour to 1 hour 15 minutes or until apples are tender when pierced with knife. Serve warm with caramel sauce spooned over top.
-Food Now Cooking


Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Without a doubt, times are tough right now….the economy is on a rollercoaster and the negative effects on your body and mind, including stress, tension, anxiety, depression, weakened immunity, and illness are running rampant. You may be nervous about your future because your retirement accounts have lost value. Or maybe you're concerned about your income or job security. There are definitely a lot of worries that can cause a great deal of
heartache and physical trauma right now. That’s why it is crucial to focus on the good aspects of our lives – our health and our relationships. I won’t allow the state of the economy to affect my health and happiness. So join me….here are some things you can do to combat the negative forces at play right now:

1. Make sure you sleep soundly at night. Anxiety can lead to depression – which can lead to sleep disturbances, and without enough sleep, your body and immune system can't function properly. To help you relax and fall asleep take 1-1.5 mg of melatonin each evening about two hours before bedtime. You’ll sleep like a baby!

2. Boost your energy reserves. If you're feeling worn out, take these nutrients: 250 mcg of vitamin B12 a day, 250 mg of L-tyrosine a day, and/or 1,000 mg of L-carnitine a day in divided doses.
3. Build resistance to illness. Stress can lead to weakened immunity, therefore making you vulnerable to colds, sinus infections, the flu, and other illnesses. You are better off boosting your resistance. To do this take a high-quality multinutrient along with mineral-buffered vitamin C (1-2 grams in divided doses).

4. Reduce stress by exercising. Exercise is one of the best ways to reduce stress-not to mention lose weight and improve your overall health. I recommend going for an hour-long walk every day outdoors in the fresh air. While walking, take your mind off your worries and instead, focus on your breathing and enjoy your surroundings.

5. Stay positive. I know that having a positive attitude can be tough, especially when everything you hear in the news is negative. So turn off the news....and keep in mind, maintaining a positive belief system is crucial in creating your own reality. Try to identify at least one positive thing every day that you are greatful for.

REMEMBER: You are so much bigger than your problems....don't let them pull you down.

Love and Blessings.....Dolkar

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


That bagel? It could go right to your gut. Literally. But a bit of olive oil each day may help keep your middle little. That's what researchers are saying after testing two diets -- one high in carbs and the other based on healthy fats from olive oil. The "fat" diet kept bellies flatter.

Why Belly Fat Is So Bad

Besides making you sad when you zip up your pants, excessive abdominal fat increases your risk for high blood sugar and many other health problems. But in a recent study of overweight people, a Mediterranean-style diet -- where approximately 30 percent to 40 percent of the calories came from unsaturated fats, like those in olive oil -- seemed to help prevent tummy-expanding over time. Another bonus: The fat-focused diet helped people maintain better insulin sensitivity, too. Not so with the high-carb diet, which seemed to encourage body fat to relocate to people’s bellies. To find out how long it takes Mediterranean eating to reduce heart disease……

Weight Loss Arithmetic

Keep in mind that extra olive oil isn't going to help you trim your middle. It could just help keep your pants from getting tighter. For serious waist whittling, you'll need two must-do's: a healthy diet and extra exercise. Contact Dolkar Wellness for a nutrition and exercise program that is simple to follow and easy to maintain.

Did You Know? Some fats make you hungrier. Get the scoop on which ones leave you wanting…..


Friday, October 10, 2008


It’s that time of year – maple leaves falling gently on the lawn, cool evenings, autumn festivals and rich harvests. I know it’s one of my favorite times of the year because it’s time for pumpkin pie…pumpkin bread…..and pumpkin anything. But if you’ve found yourself limiting your use of this amazing gourd because you think it’s only the stuff of pie and puddings, breathe a sigh of relief. Pumpkin does make for a great dessert but we’re out to prove you can use it in
every course!

And use it, you should!!! Pumpkin is an incredible antioxidant powerhouse, beta-carotene, as well as vitamins C and E, potassium, and a hefty dose of veggie fiber. As for those seeds, they offer some fun nostalgia - lightly toasted and salted - as well as a wallop of protein, fiber, iron and potassium. (The seeds alone make the gutting process worth it.)

So, other than desserts, what are pumpkin’s possibilities? Think savory with sage, white onion, or coriander. Savory pumpkin complements many kinds of main dishes. For a sweeter side, pair pumpkin with apple, pear, figs, nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon, clove, and nuts.

For pumpkin recipes:

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


To prepare for the change of seasons, be sure to have these five powerful nutrients on hand. Experiment and see which ones work best for you.

Elderberry Extract: Elderberries contain a special active ingredient that helps support immune health. I recommend a remarkable elderberry extract developed by Israeli scientists called Sambucol (which comes from the Latin name for elderberry, Sambucus nigra). Research suggests that this patented elderberry extract helps provide additional support. Whatever product you use, I recommend taking 4 g daily of elderberry extract in conjunction with vitamin C, propolis, and zinc.

Vitamin C: Without a doubt, vitamin C is critical for your immune system. I routinely take 2000 mg of vitamin C a day, year round. But when you need extra immune system help, I recommend taking 500 to 1,000 milligrams every 2 hours.

Zinc: You've probably heard of zinc lozenges—and with good reason. This critical mineral helps to fight free radicals in your body and promotes immune function. I recommend taking 10 mg of zinc when your body needs it.

Bee Propolis: If you've been with me a while, you know what a fan I am of bee propolis. This waxy resin is used by bees to waterproof their hives, and herbalists have prized it for centuries for its immune supporting properties. I recommend taking 75 mg daily.

Superfoods: Superfoods like spirulina, have been traditionally used to feel healthy and support your immune system. I encourage you to begin taking advantage of them right away. And remember, taking them as part of your multinutrient is easier and a lot less costly. Glyconutrients will also provide you with the necessary plant sterols that are easily absorbed and will boost your immune system.

Eat Your Way to a Strong Immune SystemA healthy diet is critical for keeping your immune system strong. In the fall and winter, I especially recommend these powerful immune-boosting foods:

Mushrooms: Many people don't realize this, but certain mushrooms have strong traditional use as immune boosters. That's because mushrooms contain complex sugar molecules called polysaccharides that stimulate the immune system. Shiitake, reishi, cordyceps, maitaki, and Coriolus versicolor mushrooms are your best sources. Unfortunately, the regular white mushrooms most commonly sold in stores do not contain the powerful polysaccharides.

Colorful Vegetables and Fruits: Red, orange, and purple fruits and vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, red peppers, beets, berries, and carrots, are packed with immune-boosting antioxidants, beta carotene, and the all-important vitamin C.

Garlic: It's not just good for your cholesterol—garlic also helps fortify your immune system. For overall health, I recommend eating at least a clove of garlic each day.

Yogurt: As you know, yogurt helps promote healthy digestion, but that's not all. There are some promising studies that show that eating 2 cups of yogurt a day may help boost your immune system. Just remember that you need to look for yogurt that hasn't been heat-treated.

Ginger: One of the most satisfying tonics when you're not feeling your best is ginger tea. Ginger is a potent diaphoretic—which in plain English means it helps to make you perspire, and warms the body from the inside. Plus, ginger is rich in immune-boosting zinc. To make a therapeutic ginger tea, grind a one-inch slice of fresh ginger, squeeze the juice of half a lemon, and add to a cup of steaming hot water along ith 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

Dr. David Williams

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Got an achy back? A bum knee? Consider soothing yourself with this poolside treat: a mai tai. Okay, you can probably skip the rum. The real joint-soothing power in this pick-me-up comes from the pineapple.

Any Way You Slice It That’s right.

Pineapple --be it part of an icy drink, a fruit salad, or a barbecue kabob -- contains an anti-inflammatory enzyme called bromelain. New research shows that bromelain soothes your cells by reducing the migration of white blood cells to sites of inflammation -- like sunburned skin, injured muscles, and arthritic joints.
Getting It Straight

If you’re not a pineapple fan, you can get bromelain straight from a supplement. It might even be the preferred method, since you don’t get tons of bromelain from fresh pineapple. We recommend about 100 milligrams of bromelain a day for sore joints. Ask your doctor if this dose is safe for you. Here are six other nutrients that joints dig: berries, avocado, omega-3 rich fish, ginger, flaxseeds, and soy.

More Info? Dolkar Wellness

RealAge 09/15/2008

Friday, September 26, 2008


When the afternoon blahs leave us slumped over our desks like an unwatered houseplant, instead of reaching for a supersized vat of coffee and/or a calorie-packed sugar snack, try some much better options to keep you going for hours:

WATER: Sometimes what feels like fatigue is just dehydration (often made worse by too much coffee). Drink 8 ounces of water, take a quick walk around the block or the parking lot (fresh air is an energy booster, too), and then down another 8 ounces when you get back.

WATERMELON: Like cookies and candy, watermelon is high in sugar, which metabolizes quickly, which gives you a rush. But watermelon's way healthier: Instead of guilt, you get fiber, a hit of vitamins A and C, plus all that fresh, juicy flavor for almost no calories (fewer than 50 a cup). To make your new zip last longer, eat it with some protein and a little fat -- as in low-fat cottage cheese or a fistful of sunflower seeds.

BRAZIL NUTS: They're off the charts in mood-lifting selenium and strong in fatigue-fighting magnesium. Just six of these nuts give you 4 grams of protein and some healthy plant fats, a combo that will keep you going far longer than you'd think.

A MEXICAN BAKED POTATO: Spuds are high on the glycemic index -- that is, they give blood sugar a quick boost -- which is bad for people with diabetes but good in moderate doses for other people in need of an energy surge. Heap on some salsa and top with a dollop of low-fat sour cream to enhance the effect. Spicy foods are stimulating, and hot peppers wake up more than your taste buds.

A FEW DRIED DATES: They were traditionally used in the Sahara to provide quick energy to camels. Like potatoes, dates are a high glycemic snack, but rich in minerals, too -- especially potassium. Split the dates and fill with a tad of low-fat cream cheese to slow the sugar absorption.

PB&J ON WHOLE GRAIN: The all-American sandwich is also an all-around pick-me-up, thanks to its amazingly complete mix of carbs, good fats, protein, and whole-grain fiber. Just make it a one-slice fold-over to cut the calories down to about 200.
RealAge - June 2008

Another great alternative for an amazing boost of energy:

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Here's one way to check your health: Open wide and say ahh.

Yup. Your mouth, more than any outward part of your body, speaks volumes about your well-being. Here’s what the state of your teeth and tongue can tell you.

Beyond Cavities: The Tale of the TongueTraditional Chinese medicine uses the tongue for most diagnoses. If it looks quite fat, you could have an overactive thyroid. A beefy, red tongue may point to anemia. Bumps that look like small hairs? Better work on your dental hygiene. Blisters? Might be a drug reaction)

And the Story Behind Unhealthy GumsRed, swollen, bleeding gums signal gingivitis, an early form of periodontal disease. And gum disease has been linked to a host of other health problems, from heart attacks to erectile dysfunction. Here’s why: Gum-invading bacteria may trigger an immune response that promotes body-wide inflammation and arterial hardening, which restricts blood flow.

A way to keep your gums healthy: YOGURT (containing live cultures) or a good Probiotic! Flossing and brushing your teeth daily can make your general health as well as make you look much younger.

- Real Age June, 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


There is one food that is especially effective in lowering blood pressure.....Celery!

Doctors at the University of Chicago studying the Oriental custom of using celery to lower hypertension discovered that celery contains the chemical 3-n-butyl phthalide. This smoothes the muscels lining blood vessels, which increases vessel diameter and allows for easier blood flow at lower pressures.

Using the recommended Oriental dosages to lower mild cases of high blood pressure, one would eat about four ounces of celery daily (4 stalks). Their blood pressure was reduced by an average of 13 % and cholesterol level by 7%.

When you eat celery, don't peel the strings off. They act as a scrubbing brush that stimulates the bowels and removes excess waste material. Sodium in celery is also good for people who suffer from stiffness in the joints.

Contact Dolkar Wellness for supplements that can ease joint issues.

Monday, September 22, 2008


1 1/3 cup whole grain flour
4 tablespoons raw cane sugar
1 tablespoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/4 cups milk, rice milk or soy milk
3 eggs, beaten
3 tablespoons canola or olive oil
1 cup shredded zucchini

1. Whisk flour, sugar, baking powder and salt in large bowl. Whisk milk, eggs and oil in large bowl. Stir in zucchini until well-blended. Stir into flour mixture until ingredients are moistened.

2. Heat griddle to 325°F. (or large skillet over medium heat, adjusting heat as necessary); lightly oil. Spoon batter onto griddle; spread to 4-inch circles. Cook 8 minutes or until golden brown, turning once.

Makes 16 pancakes

PER PANCAKE: 95 calories, 4.5 g total fat (1 g saturated fat), 3 g protein, 11.5 g carbohydrate, 40 mg cholesterol, 225 mg sodium, 1 g fiber

Lots more recipes where that came from at: