Saturday, November 29, 2008


Hello Friends & Family,

Emaho Foundation, a Scottsdale-based, non-profit Tibetan Buddhist group, will present its annual Zone of Ahimsa fundraising celebration on Saturday, December 6, 2008. Taking place at the New Vision Spiritual Growth Center in Scottsdale, the festivities will commemorate the 1989 awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to the Dalai Lama, the world's best-known Tibetan Buddhist leader and international figurehead in the cause for peace on our planet. This will be a time for peace-loving people of all faiths, and those outside of any faith tradition, to gather in the name of non-violence, compassion and universal harmony.

Ahimsa is the Buddhist term for the doctrine of non-harming. And the Zone of Ahimsa will be a daylong celebration comprised of three separate but related events. The attached flyer will give you all the details for this event. FOR AHIMSA CELEBRATION TICKETS contact us at
Dolkar Wellness.

Also attached is a picture of the small gift basket that will be on display during the celebration. It includes: a book written by Venerable ZaChoeje Rinpoche (the Spiritual Director of Emaho Foundation), a CD containing a public talk given by Rinpoche at the Mustang Library, a DVD containing a teaching given by Rinpoche, a mala (bead bracelet), and a holiday candle - all for only $30. A larger gift basket is also available for $45 which will include all the items in the small basket plus an additional CD from a separate public talk at the library as well as a "secret Tibetan object" as well.

If you are interested in a gift basket but are unable to attend the celebration, please contact us and we will make arrangements to get your
basket(s) to you.

We look forward to seeing you at the celebration!

Tara Hoffman, President
Dolkar Wellness

Friday, November 21, 2008


When the subject of proper pH and alkalinity levels comes up in conversation, it’s more likely that you are discussing pool water than your body. However, what could possibly more important or worthy of conversation than your own body’s internal balance?

In reality, our bodies are able to assimilate minerals and nutrients properly only when its pH is balanced so you could be ingesting the proper nutrients and still be a victim of malnutrition if your body isn’t able to absorb and assimilate those nutrients. If you are not getting the results you expect from your glyconutritional or herbal program, look for an acid/alkaline imbalance as the cause. Even the right herbal program may not work if your body's pH is “out of wack.”

Nine out of ten people who suffer from an imbalance are acidic in nature. This condition forces the body to borrow minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium from vital organs and bones to buffer and neutralize the acid - safely removing it from the body. Because of this high acidic strain, the body can suffer severe and prolonged damage —a condition that may go undetected for years.

Even mild acidosis can cause the following problems:

Cardiovascular damage, constriction of blood vessels
Weight gain and obesity
Bladder and kidney conditions - including kidney stones
Immune deficiency
Free radical damage which may contribute to cancer
Hormone concerns
Premature aging
Osteoporosis and bone spurs
Joint pain, aching muscles and lactic acid buildup
Low energy and chronic fatigue
Slow digestion and waste elimination
Yeast overgrowth

What Causes a Person to be Acidic?

The answer is something most of us don’t really want to hear….It’s mostly due to the typical American diet, which is far too high in acid-producing animal products like meat, eggs and dairy and far too low in alkaline-producing foods like fresh vegetables which contain vital glyconutrients. Additionally, we eat processed foods like white flour and sugar and drink beverages like coffee and soft drinks. We use too many drugs, which are acid-forming; and we use artificial sweetners like NutraSweet, Equal, or aspartame, which are extremely acid-forming.

One of the best things we can do to correct an overly-acid body is to clean up the diet and lifestyle. Contact Dolkar Wellness for specific help. We have designed a program specifically for alkalizing the body and bringing the pH into balance.

What if You’re Overly-Alkaline?

If you have an alkaline body type, you’re relatively rare. Taken to extremes, high alkalinity can cause tingling in your extremities or light-headedness. In that case, you can bring the alkalinity into balance by drinking a good old cup of coffee. However, if your urine and/or saliva consistently test above 7.0 pH, contact Dolkar Wellness for specifics to bring your body pH more into balance.

There are two ways to test your body’s pH: through the urine and through the saliva. The pH level in the urine indicates how well your body is excreting acids and assimilating minerals - especially calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. These minerals function as buffers which help to maintain the body’s balance. When your body is too acidic, it excretes the excess through the urine. However, if the average urine pH is below 6.5, the body's buffering system may become overwhelmed and a state of "autotoxication" will exist. Then attention should be given to lowering acid levels. Better yet is to keep the body’s balance intact by making some alterations in your diet.

Saliva pH

The results of saliva testing may indicate the activity of digestive enzymes in the body. These enzymes are primarily manufactured by the stomach, liver and pancreas. While the saliva also utilizes buffers just like the urine, it relies on this process to a much lesser degree. If the saliva pH is too low (below 6.5), the body may be producing too many acids or may be overwhelmed by acids because it has lost the ability to adequately remove them through the urine. If the saliva pH is too high (over 6.8), the body may suffer greatly, e.g. excess gas, constipation and production of yeast, mold and fungus. Some people will have acidic pH readings from both urine and saliva—this is referred to as "double acid."

THE MESSAGE here is to be kind to your body…it works hard so that you can enjoy your life. Help the body retain its balance by eating lots of organic fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain, sprouted grains - rich in glyconutrients. Eat less meat and dairy products. Drink water instead of sugary sodas. Go back to basics.

Monday, November 17, 2008



Write me.....Dolkar Wellness

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


If you've ever doubted that your mind, body and spirit were connected, just get angry with someone and see how it affects your body. When a relationship came to an end and you were devastated, how did the body and spirit feel? Let's face it, they are all interconnected.

Each virtue of the spirit is specially required for nourishing and empowering the human body. For example:

The virtue of Peace is responsible for sustaining the respiratory system

The virtue of Joy reigns over the gastrointestinal system

The virtue of Love affects the circulatory system

The virtue of Bliss has control over the endocrine system

The virtue of Knowledge is for the brain and nervous system

The virtue of Purity affects the immune system

The virtue of the five senses have responsibility for the muscular and skeletal systems

Each one of us has at least one body system which is most susceptible to disease - it's our weakest link. When our mind is under the influence of stressful emotions, there is a decrease in the flow from the spirit to this vulnerable body system virtue which leads to the development of disease in this system over a period of time.

The answer: Stress Relief....through MEDITATION.

For more information on how to get started, contact Dolkar Wellness NOW!

Monday, November 10, 2008


DID YOU KNOW that women blink twice as much as men? An average person's eye will be closed 30 minutes a day due to eye blinking....I guess it will be longer for women!

Friday, November 7, 2008


Although nearly two-thirds of Americans are overweight, 83 percent of us say our eating habits are very healthy or somewhat healthy, according to a Thomson Medstat survey. Only 3 percent of Americans characterized their eating habits as “not at all healthy.” Oh Really? Then why are we and our children so fat and unhealthy?

Could it be that few parents really understand how the so called “Standard American Diet’ is so detrimental to our children’s health. Let’s face the facts: we have a national health crisis on our hands. Since we love our children and would do everything in our power to make their lives healthy and safe, there’s only one possible reason we continue to fill their bodies (and our own) with unhealthy, unsafe food - we don’t really understand what a healthy diet looks like. We have a problem and the good news is…..we can resolve that problem.

Did you know you that our children’s generation is the first generation in history that is predicted to fail to outlive its parents? I don’t know about you, but that scared the heck out of me! All you have to do is drive down the streets and count how many fast food restaurants there are in one block. Look at the kids. Kids – all the way from toddlers to teenagers are pudgy. We have a childhood obesity epidemic plaguing our country. That’s the bad news. And the good news is that we have the power to change our fate.

What can we do? One thing is to investigate what a healthy, balanced meal really looks like. Believe me….contrary to what you hear on TV commercials, chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese from a box, and soggy microwave pizza are not healthy, bone-fortifying foods. I know what you’re going to say, “My kids will throw a hissy fit and won’t even consider a eating some broccoli. It’s not their fault they have a taste for fattening food because they’ve been eating this way for a while. It’s not the fault of parents either because we haven’t been properly educated on nutrition. So now is our chance to change that horrific scenario. Remember the saying “We ARE what we eat.” Also remember, we’re the parents and our children will eat what we put in front of them so decide to change your eating habits for the sake of yourself and your children. They will thank you in the long run.

REMEMBER. One way we can eat healthier is to REMEMBER how we ate as children. When I was growing up, I use to work on my grandparents farm every summer. I remember the meals my grandmother served us. Breakfasts consisted of fresh fruits, oatmeal or other kinds of grain cereal, eggs, toast – a huge breakfast by today’s standards. It made sense to fuel the body’s fire so it could work hard during the day. Lunches were not a small, dry peanut butter and jelly sandwich and chips. They were full meals – with main dishes, fresh vegetables, soups and apple pie for dessert. Dinners again were balanced full meals made from local fruits and vegetables that were tree and vine ripened. There were so many nutrients in the meals my grandmother made but I didn’t realize how skillful she was until now when I see how far the American diet has declined from those days.

One of the greatest things we parents can do is educate ourselves on nutrition. Use the internet to learn about the necessity of organic food and how the body can be revitalized by healthy food. There is so much information out on the web that you could read from morning til night and still not read everything. The information is there….use it.

Imagine how fulfilled and empowered you will feel to provide your family with nutrition that will help their bodies grow and their minds sharpen. Nutrition along with loving care will help a child excel or leave him high and dry. This is our chance to save ourselves AND our children. Don’t wait another minute. Learn about the fuel you’re putting into the bodies of the people you love the most and you won’t regret one moment that you spent.

I have studied healing techniques in cultures that fully expect their life spans to extend to 100 years of age but here in the United States, few people will see 100 unless we change now. It’s time to take our health back into our own hands. We can do it. We just have to invest a little time, effort and wisdom. If Popeye could enjoy a good bit of spinach… can we!

Contact Dolkar Wellness NOW for nutritional information.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Today is Sister's day so I send this out to all my sisters and all the Fabulous women I know.......especially my friend, Lori!!

REMEMBER: We are only as strong as the coffee we drink, the hairspray we use and the friends we have.

To the cool women that have touched my life. Here's to you!

Monday, November 3, 2008


Even though the economy stinks more than a stinky sock, you can live healthfully and still have the stuff you want (within reason, of course). Being healthy won’t hog your budget, if you know where to save and where to spend. We know it’s not always obvious.

The $1 menu at fast-food restaurants sounds like a deal, right? Especially with the food prices escalating fast. But….you gotta look beneath the covers. A $1 meal quickly turns into a $10 meal when you look at future costs the $1 meal invokes: letting out your clothes or buying new ones, dealing with the stress of weight gain, buying diet books, and cleaning up the health-busting inflammation that fatty fast foods instigate.

Here’s where to save and where to splurge, so your wallet stays fat and your body stays healthy.

Splurge: Always buy organic fruit and vegetables or local produce. I know organic produce costs more than conventional but there’s no pesticides to deal with so your body won’t be overwhelmed with poisons…you won’t die young from toxins, your waist line will be smaller and the food will taste immensely better – like when you were a kid.

Save: Find a buddy. It’s fine to join a health club but you don’t need to in order to become more healthy. Find a partner who genuinely wants to succeed in getting healthier. The accountability and cheerleading you give each other will get both of you up and out when it’s raining, it’s cold, or you’re just plain tired -- and that’s priceless. You can ride bikes, walk, play basketball, or jog together – and it doesn’t cost a cent. Or….pick your dog as your partner. He will be happy with the exercise and your devotion to helping him become healthier will give you a reason to go out there and break a sweat.

Save: Look for healthy bargains. They’re usually right in front of you. Some low-cost, healthy foods are oatmeal instead of boxed cereal, rice as a staple, fruits and vegetables instead of costly candy bars, and beans or tofu in place of meat.

Save: Quit smoking. There are scores of reasons to do this, but the one that fits this column is that the average price of a pack of cigarettes is $4.22, and as much as $7.50 to $10 in places like Chicago and New York City. If you’re a pack-a-day smoker, quitting will put an extra $1,540 or more per year in your pocket while it removes all kinds of gunk from your lungs. Splurge: Treat your feet. The 26 bones in your feet get a pounding every day. Take care of them with well-cushioned, well-fitted walking or running shoes and they’ll take care of you. Always wear them when you’ll be walking or standing; replace every 6 to 9 months.

Save: Walk. Take a walk in a beautiful place….peaceful and nurturing. Avoid walking along a busy street – it’s not pleasant. Enjoy your walks – at least 30 minutes a day. As you progress, watch your blood pressure plummet and your legs become more toned and attractive. A walk will make you not only younger but also richer, because you’ll avoid expensive diabetes, blood pressure, and cholesterol drugs.

Save: Meditate. Meditate every day – start out with 10 minutes and work your way up. Meditation is worth its weight in gold and can save you from many physical and mental issues from depression to high blood pressure. It’s free and can be done anywhere there is a bit of quiet. Take advantage of this commonly-forgotten health aid – it’s a stress buster and one of the most beautiful things you can do for yourself….You’re worth it!

Contact Dolkar Wellness NOW for more helpful hints on becoming HEALTHIER.