Wednesday, April 30, 2008


The land that brings us giant pandas, the Great Wall, and amazing cuisine also serves up a mean cup of prostate protection. Yep, green tea -- long touted by the Chinese for its medicinal benefits -- could cut a man's risk of advanced prostate cancer by half.

How much do you need to drink? In a study, men who drank 5 or more cups of green tea per day had half the risk of advanced prostate cancer compared with men who sipped less than a cup a day. Another way to keep the prostate healthy: Avoid a diet high in saturated fat and include plenty of fruits and veggies in your diet.

For more information on how to purchase pure green tea:

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Sometimes, we eat for physical reasons -- we're genuinely hungry -- and sometimes, we eat for emotional reasons -- we're steamed at a coworker. But it's not always easy to figure out the difference.

To help, start using the YOU Diet Hunger Test: Throughout the day, judge your level of hunger using the scale below, and record it in a notebook. Try to focus on staying tuned to what your stomach is telling you, not what's happening with stress (kids going crazy), emotions (spouse is working late again), or habits (Leno equals a bag of chips). This process will help you really feel your hunger, so you can let your stomach, not your emotions, dictate what you do.

Empty Tank = Hungry
1/2 Tank = Edge is off
3/4 Tank = Satisfied and not hungry
Full Tank = Full and comfortable
Overflow Level S = Stuffed
Overflow Level OS = Overstuffed
Overflow Level BP = Button Pop/Exploding

Grabbing a fiber-filled fruit can help keep your hunger at bay. More: Every time you find yourself reaching for the cheese sauce or cookie box, use the test to rate your hunger. Then, think about whether you're reaching for the leftover lasagna because you're truly hungry or you're eating for a reason that has absolutely nothing to do with hunger. Aim to stay in the 3/4 to Full Tank range -- satisfied at all times. You'll get there by eating regularly throughout the day. After applying the gauge for two weeks, you'll start to instinctively know why you're eating and, better yet, you'll train yourself to eat simply to keep your stomach -- not your emotions -- satisfied.
Reference: YOU: On a Diet. Roizen, M. F., Oz, M. C., New York: Simon & Schuster, 2006.

We at can help in many, many different ways. We have amazing weightloss products and appetite suppressors....they're delicious and taste like a rich treat! Check out our website and contact us for any assistance. We're waiting to hear from you!

Friday, April 25, 2008


Essential oils and their uses have often been referred to as a “New Age” therapy but these babies are one of the oldest and most effective therapies known to man. Medicinal use of essential oils dates back nearly 8,000 years to the ancient Egyptians. Trace amounts of essential oils were still detectable in the empty alabaster jars discovered in King Tut’s tomb. Because oils were priceless during those times, tomb robbers stole the oils contained in the jars bur left the king’s gold, jewels, and artifacts.

Use of essential oils in the treatment of disease, illnesses and spiritual practices is evidenced in many ancient texts, including the Bible and Buddhist texts. Ancient people relied solely on intuition about how best to use essential oils, but with the advancement of science we are now able to analyze and understand the healing power of oils and why they are more effective than antibiotics (in many cases) to successfully treat many diseases. In 1989 researchers realized the profound effect aroma has on the release of emotional traumas stored in the limbic area of the brain.

Each day more is learned about the effectiveness and power of medicinal grade essential oils and their use in healing people on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. In fact, nearly 30% of prescription medications in the United States are based on naturally-occurring compounds found in plants.

So…..why not go straight to the horse’s mouth? I invite you to research the power of pure essential oils and learn how they can help you on many different levels. Why not receive the healing power we require without the dangerous….or fatal side effects we face everyday with prescription drugs? It’s worth your time and effort to take a look.

I invite you to visit my website for more information:

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Think of your muscles like spaghetti strands: They're pliable when they're warm, but fragile when they're not. That's why it's so important to warm up your muscles for about 5 minutes before beginning any exercise. The simplest way is to do an easier version of the same activity you'll be doing (so walk if you're planning to jog, use light weights before heavy ones, etc.). Move your joints through the same motions they'll go through during the upcoming activity. This will raise your heart rate and increase the temperature of your muscles, making them less prone to injury.

Warming up and stretching helps you burn more calories and sleep better. When warming up, focus on your muscles, and take special notice of where you tense up. The shoulders and forehead are common tension points. You want stretching to release tension in your body, not shift it somewhere else. Notice this, and focus on the muscles you are working. And make sure to keep breathing freely and slowly. You might feel a little discomfort or muscle burn as you're loosening up, but not actual pain. If you ever feel pain during stretching, stop.

Reference: YOU: On a Diet. Roizen, M. F., Oz, M. C., New York: Simon & Schuster, 2006.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Since you spent some time with yourself???

Why is it so much easier to take care of someone else than ourselves? I don’t know the answer to that question BUT….I am sure of one thing: We can spend an enormous amount of time trying to please others….and we’ll never be able to live up to their expectations. HOWEVER, just doing a few small things to make ourselves happy will bring an ENORMOUS positive effect to our lives.

Aren’t you the most important person in your life? If you don’t take care of yourself…..who will?

One thing you can do to enrich your life is getting to know yourself through MEDITATION. It’s simple, energizing, and calms the mind. Once you get the hang of it, you can deepen your experience and really learn about yourself….and accept yourself as the amazing person you really are. NEED HELP TO GET STARTED? DOLKAR WELLNESS can help. We’re waiting to hear from you.


Tuesday, April 1, 2008


"I'm a procrastinator by nature but one thing I never procrastinate on is my HAPPINESS. I always find a reason every day to be grateful for what I have and happy with my life!"

-The Venerable Zachoeje Rinpoche
Spiritual Teacher and Author