Thursday, January 29, 2009


There's a forgotten discovery from the Aztecs that's making a resurgence and with good reason. It's filled with vital omega-3s, minerals, and fiber. In fact, I think it's the answer to some of the biggest dietary challenges we face today—since it gives you so much of what the modern American diet is missing.

The food I'm talking about is chia seeds. It amazes me that such tiny seeds, scarcely bigger than the tip of a pencil, can have such a huge impact on your health. Remember chia pets from the 1980s? Who would have thought the seeds would contain such amazing healing properties – one of the richest foods known to nature.

As the Aztec and Mayan secret to good health, chia seeds are rich in omega-3s which are vital fats that support your heart, blood pressure, brain function, immune system, joints, and more. But unfortunately, the average person today gets just one-sixth the omega-3s as people in the 1800s. Most of us today are eating too many omega-6s and not enough 3s but now we can get all the omega-3s we need with this tiny seed.

Chia seeds give you 3.4 grams of omega-3s per serving. In these tough economic times, it's nice to find a single food that gives you so many of these healthy oils. These tiny seeds are also an energy-boosting powerhouse. The outer layer of the chia seed is made of soluble fiber, which slows down the release of glucose into your bloodstream. Glucose is the primary energy source used by your brain, nervous system, and muscles.

So….just two tablespoons give you an amazing supply of vital nutrients—and energy!

Contact Dolkar Wellness NOW for more Information about Chia Seeds!!

Monday, January 26, 2009


I think Happiness is the most important thing in my life…don’t you? If we don’t have happiness….what do we have? We’re here in this world to be happy…to experience life to the fullest and realize who we are and why we’re here.

The sad part of life is when I see people delaying their happiness. I hear comments like “When I get out of college, I’ll be happy” or “When I get married, I’ll be happy” or “When I retire, I’ll be happy.” If we delay Happiness, then we will never be Happy and we will go through life on autopilot. We can be Happy right now….this very moment. The Buddha said, “There is no path to Happiness; Instead, Happiness is the path.

Think about it….what are the things that make you Happy. Treasure them and appreciate these things. This very act will make you a Happier person. Other things you can do:

Treat others with kindness
Be honest – don’t try to deceive others
Say something positive (or nothing at all)
Help others accomplish their goals
Live life to its fullest – experience your life for what it has to offer


Contact Dolkar Wellness NOW for more information.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Why do so many of us have difficulty living in the present moment? One reason may be that we don’t totally know, love and accept ourselves We rush through our lives and never ask “Where are we rushing to?” No matter where we go, there we are! Once we get down to the core of this issue and learn to know and accept ourselves, many of our pressing problems will be resolved and our lives with be transformed. People will respond positively to us because we have become kinder to ourselves.

Here are some practical tips for living in the present moment and are very helpful for us to use in our daily lives:

1. Be mindful of your breath. There is no need to use sophisticated breathing techniques - just pay attention to your breath. Try to breathe deeply and slowly….and enjoy the process. This is such an easy thing to do. Try it and see that your life will be more peaceful and calm.

2. Be mindful of your physical feelings. Ask yourself: how do I feel right now? Am I sitting in a comfortable position? Do I feel comfortable about the shoes and clothes I wear, and about the things around me? What is my body trying to tell me? So many of us go through our lives ignoring our feelings. One day the body will refuse to be ignored another minute and we will get sick. When we get in touch with our feelings on a day-to-day basis, we open ourselves to its guidance and valuable suggestions.

3. Don’t lead your life in a rush. Sometimes we are so afraid to be late for an appointment, job, etc. that we don't realize the world does not depend upon us for its survival. Of course, it is good to be on time but a wise person utilizes careful planning instead of rushing. As you plan your day, give yourself more time to do the important things and eliminate the non-important things as much as possible. It you have time to do the less important things in your life, do them. Otherwise, don’t rush. And if you ARE late for an appointment, don’t burden yourself further by feeling guilty.

4. Be grateful for the delays. When you are in a traffic jam or standing in a line, try not to be angry or upset. Realize that this delay is a gift. You have a chance to be alone with yourself for a minute or so, without being distracted. Watch your breath and physical feelings and try to relax. Think about how precious your life is and appreciate it fully. Smile to yourself. Look at people around you and know they also have this precious human life. In an instant, your tension will go away and you will get in touch with the joyous spirit of the present moment.

Contact Dolkar Wellness NOW for more information on Meditation.

Friday, January 16, 2009


Scottsdale, Arizona – Three Powerhouses in the Wellness Industry join forces for a Hands-On Approach to Spiritual Development. Attendees will learn how to find happiness in the middle of chaos and make peace within themselves.

The Seminar entitled “The Trail Guide for the Path to Happiness – Hands-On Approach” will be presented by three well-known local proponents of the Wellness Field: Shiang Chen Williams, a Nationally Certified Massage Therapist & Energy Medicine Practitioner; Dale Light, a Transformation Life Coach, Fitness Consultant & Health Educator; and Tara Hoffman, NeoWellness Health Facilitator & President of Dolkar Wellness.

The Trail Guide for the Path to Happiness will take place on January 24, 2009 from 1:30-3:30 pm at the Scottsdale Mustang Library on 90th Street and Shea. The seminar will take people from all walks of life through a practical process – guiding them to their natural state of HAPPINESS.

Dale Light will kick off the afternoon guiding us into the NOW by bringing POW and WOW to our lives. Together we will examine the possibility for creating a deeper purpose and power, thus a more peaceful life. Where else can happiness be found? Dale will guide us through 10 simple but powerful movements for calming the mind, freeing the body and elevating the spirit.

Once we understand how to live in the present moment, Tara Hoffman will take us for a walk on the Spiritual Middle Path. We will learn how to remain in a state of “At Ease” – not being too strict or too lax in our state of being and way of living. Only through total peace and tranquility can we hear our inner voice and realize our true nature. Understanding the Middle Path can help in that pursuit.

Shiang Chen Williams will finish up the triology approach with the technique and philosophy of where and how to locate true happiness. She will briefly outline the four parts of the brain and their functions as well as the law of attraction. Through guided meditation, we will learn how to “shift gears” properly to work with the emotions and avoid the pitfalls of negative energy entrapment.

Lots of audience participation will make this workshop exciting, dynamic and effective. Meditation techniques and experiential methodologies will make the experience unlike anything else you’ve attended. Come through the door dressed comfortably with an open mind and open heart and you’ll take away with you an amazing sense of freedom by utilizing the Trail Guide for the Path to Happiness.

For more information contact: Tara Hoffman, 480-313-3726 –

Monday, January 5, 2009


4 large sweet organic peppers
3 Tbsp organic butter
2 Tbsp whole grain flour
1 cup organic low-fat milk or rice milk
1 tsp curry powder
1 tsp finely chopped onion
½ bunch of organic parsley
½ cup organic grated cheddar cheese
1 ½ raw cashew pieces
1/3 cup golden raisins
1/3 cup grated organic parmesan cheese

Slice off top of peppers and scoop out seeds. Steam peppers until lightly cooked. The peppers’ colors should still be bright but they need to remain firm enough to be stuffed. Set aside.

Melt 2 tablespoons of butter. Add flour and stir. Gradually add milk and spices, stirring over low heat until creamy. Set aside.

Saute onion and parsley in remaining tablespoon of butter until wilted. Remove from heat. Stir together with rest of ingredients except parmesan cheese.

stuff peppers with mixture. Place in casserole dish with one inch of water on bottom. Sprinkle parmesan on top. Bake at 375 degrees for 30 minutes.

For more delicious vegetarian recipes, contact Dolkar Wellness NOW!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009


All those holiday leftovers and New Year’s party plates can do a real number on your blood sugar. But here’s a drink that may help fix that: chamomile tea. There just might be something in chamomile that not only helps keep blood sugar stable but also guards against the damage high blood sugar can do.

A Floral PhenomenonThe flower-infused brew is already credited with a catchall of remedy powers -- easing anxiety, menstrual cramps, insomnia, and skin problems. The newest potential benefit of chamomile was that extracts of chamomile helped steady blood sugar and also guarded against enzymes involved in diabetes complications. More studies are needed but we already know that drinking tea is one of the best health habits around -- so it won’t hurt if you’re drinking chamomile ahead of the curve.

Blood Sugar BasicsWhen you’re looking for proven blood sugar control techniques, start with a balanced, portion-controlled diet that’s rich in fiber, veggies, and fruit and low in processed foods and sugars. Then rev it up with these easy tweaks:

1. Eat more spinach.
2. Keep vinegar in your kitchen as a staple. You use it for cooking, cleaning, gardening, and a hundred other household chores. But for your blood sugar? You bet. Seems vinegar -- the tart stuff in tasty vinaigrettes and marinades -- may help clamp down on blood sugar spikes from eating starchy carbs like potatoes and pasta.

Vinegar stabilizes blood sugar instantly, too -- stymieing hunger pangs, keeping your energy up, and keeping pounds off. To get the blood sugar benefit of vinegar, try pairing starchy foods with vinegar-based sauces or dressings. Or start a meal with a salad dressed in oil and vinegar.

3. Eat more peanut butter. It’s not chocolate pudding. It’s peanut butter. Adults in a recent study who ate this childhood fave at least five times a week reduced their risk of type 2 diabetes by 27 percent. Go NuttyResearchers speculate that the unsaturated fats in nuts -- and nut butters -- may partly explain the big dip in diabetes risk. These healthy fats may somehow improve insulin sensitivity and keep your blood sugar stable. The fiber and magnesium in nuts may also decrease insulin demand and resistance.

In a Nutshell: An added bonus of eating peanut butter? Staying slim. The study participants did, especially when they used nut products to replace other fatty foods, like chips. Here are even more reasons to dip into nuts and nut butters.

Contact Dolkar Wellness NOW for additional Information.