Thursday, January 29, 2009


There's a forgotten discovery from the Aztecs that's making a resurgence and with good reason. It's filled with vital omega-3s, minerals, and fiber. In fact, I think it's the answer to some of the biggest dietary challenges we face today—since it gives you so much of what the modern American diet is missing.

The food I'm talking about is chia seeds. It amazes me that such tiny seeds, scarcely bigger than the tip of a pencil, can have such a huge impact on your health. Remember chia pets from the 1980s? Who would have thought the seeds would contain such amazing healing properties – one of the richest foods known to nature.

As the Aztec and Mayan secret to good health, chia seeds are rich in omega-3s which are vital fats that support your heart, blood pressure, brain function, immune system, joints, and more. But unfortunately, the average person today gets just one-sixth the omega-3s as people in the 1800s. Most of us today are eating too many omega-6s and not enough 3s but now we can get all the omega-3s we need with this tiny seed.

Chia seeds give you 3.4 grams of omega-3s per serving. In these tough economic times, it's nice to find a single food that gives you so many of these healthy oils. These tiny seeds are also an energy-boosting powerhouse. The outer layer of the chia seed is made of soluble fiber, which slows down the release of glucose into your bloodstream. Glucose is the primary energy source used by your brain, nervous system, and muscles.

So….just two tablespoons give you an amazing supply of vital nutrients—and energy!

Contact Dolkar Wellness NOW for more Information about Chia Seeds!!