Monday, March 31, 2008


Attitude is everything. Get all worked up about stuff and your ticker pays part of the price. But cultivate a "this too shall pass" attitude and you may help protect yourself from heart and blood vessel trouble -- maybe even something as serious as a heart attack.
Before and After
Anxiety is so hard on the heart that it also affects a person's prognosis after diagnosis with heart disease. Highly anxious people with heart disease are twice as likely to suffer a heart attack or die compared with their more mellow-minded peers. One way to see if you are at risk: Answer this question: Can't settle down your mind at night?
Walk Away from the Worry Whammy
But there's good news, too. Anxious people who learn how to mellow out can undo some of that potential damage. Exercises like walking or lifting weights do wonders for an unsettled mind.

Another way to deal with stress? Controlled Breathing:

Here’s the method:

Lie on your back, placing one hand over your heart and the other on your abdomen.
Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose for a count of 4.

Watch the hand on your abdomen rise as you fill your lungs with air, expanding your chest.
(The hand over your heart should barely move, if at all.)

Hold your breath for a count of 4.
Exhale slowly through the mouth or nose for a count of 4.
Repeat for 10 full breaths. Work up to 2 or 3 sets of 10 breaths each.

Keep the following guidelines in mind while practicing controlled breathing:
Stop if you feel faint or dizzy
Inhale slowly and deeply through the nose…..exhale slowly through the mouth or nose.
Breathe in a smooth, regular pattern…..concentrate while inhaling on filling the lower portion of your lungs.

Information was gathered from RealAge – Live Life to the Youngest Newsletter.

Taking care of your emotional health and well-being can make you feel and look younger. Let go of anxiety and find true relaxation every day.

Do you have a plan for relaxation EVERY DAY? I can help. Visit my website at: – Services